• Open to every secondary school in New Zealand.  Approximately 600 students take part in this annual competition.
  • Teams comprise three shooters.  Schools can enter as many teams as they wish.  Each shooter may compete in only one team.
  • Shooters can shoot using either a rest or a sling.  Each shooter is required to shoot 2 x 10-shot targets prior to 31 August 2015.
  • Cost of entry is $20 per team.  Targets shot at home range.
  • Book vouchers will be awarded to the school of the top boys, girls, mixed and rest grade teams, to each member of the top teams, to the top three individual girls and the top three individual boys (using sling only), and to the top girl and boy overall.  All individual shooters who complete the competition will receive TSNZ certificates.
  • For more information on the 2019 competition click here.