Club Shooting
It was a bit different at the club last night with Level 2 restrictions meaning only half the mounds could be used. Despite this, there was plenty of shooting done and some good scores recorded. Kate Yu led D Grade with a new PB of 97.1 - congratulations! Ewan Mirza followed with another excellent D Grade score of 95.1. It's great to see our newest members steadily improving. Jaz Hamilton's 97.3 was the top score in C Grade, followed by Finn Ashby's 94.3. Cassie Truscott's 98.5 took the top spot in B Grade ahead of Inge Little's 96.3. Meredith Ackrill's 99.6 was the highest 10 shot for the night, one point ahead of Evan Little's 98.7. Top honours for the 20 shots this week were shared between three shooters, with Meredith Ackrill, Evan Little, and Cassie Truscott all shooting 196.9.
Wairarapa Open
Several Brooklyn members travelled to Masterton on Saturday to compete in the Wairarapa Open Champs. Meredith Ackrill continued her winning streak, scoring 296 to come first in A Grade - congratulations!
Next Week
Sunday 4 July is the second break week in the club competition, and so there will be a focus on tips and advice from our coaches, led by Mark Robinson.
Upcoming events
- Wednesday 30 June, 8.00pm, Titipounamu Match: Meredith Ackrill, Megan Brodie, David Grain, Erin Little, Evan Little
- Thursday 1 July, 7.30pm, NDC Round 4. Open Team: Meredith Ackrill, Bex Baines, David Grain, Evan Little, Mark Riley. Composite Team: Erin Little, Stephen Thessman. Junior Team: Cassie Truscott. Emergencies: Mark Baines, Inge Little
- Saturday 3 July, Whanganui Open Champs, Wanganui
- Monday 5 July, 8.15pm, Interassociation Women's: Meredith Ackrill, Bex Baines, Megan Brodie, Cassie Truscott. Emergency: Inge Little