Club Shooting

Jessica and Gigi continue to improve shooting off the rest, scoring 81.1 and 85.0 respectively. 
The club season kicked off with some fantastic shooting. Kate Yu led C Grade with 95.2 followed by Finn Ashby with 93.3. In B Grade, Clive Brodie's 98.4 took top honours ahead of Mark Riley's 97.1. Mere inners separated the top three shooters in the higher grades. Meredith Ackrill's 99.4 was the top 10-shot of the night followed by Erin Little's 99.6 and Megan Brodie's 99.4. 
A lot of members completed 20-shot cards. Congratulations to Finn Ashby on a new PB of 196.9 - great shooting!  Meredith took top honours for the 20-shots as well, shooting 198.15. Again she was ahead on inners with Erin shooting 198.10. Congratulations to both on your first 100s for the season.
Members celebrate their first 100 of the season with a cake for supper - the cake roster is filling up already!
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help with the Venturers shoot on Tuesday, see you there!
Please note upcoming events:
  • Tuesday 5 April, 7pm for 7.30pm start: Venturers social shoot
  • Wednesday 6 April, BSRC Committee meeting
  • Saturday 9 April: Colyton Open Champs
  • Sunday 10 April: Week 2 of Round 1, Club Competition
  • Saturday 16 April: Bulls Open Champs
  • Sunday 17 April: membership form and fees due
Club shooting
The last of the club's Sunday visitors nights until May was a busy one with 5 visitors attending. First time shooter Kayla's second card of 85.0 was top of the bunch, an improvement of 22 points from her first card! She was followed by Jessica and Johnson, who both scored 76.0.
Our C graders continue to show impressive form. Finn Ashby's 98.2 was top shot ahead of Analin Rudd's 94.2. In B grade, Inge Little led with 100.3 (also making her top shot of the night overall!) ahead of Mark Riley's 98.1.
Our 2nd year college shooters were put through their paces shooting their first 20-shot of the year. They performed well, with Kate Yu scoring 188.6, Analin Rudd 187.6, and Ewan Mirza 178.3. Among the more experienced members, Erin Little scored 196.15 for the highest 20-shot of the night. 
North v South 2021
Meredith Ackrill and Bex Baines competed in the (delayed) 2021 North v South competition over the weekend. It was a different vibe than usual with the teams split in two locations but the spirit of the shoot remained with live updates and a video link between the ranges. Congratulations for wins against the South Island in both the Women's team (Meredith scored 391.18 and Bex scored 384.20) and in the Open team (Meredith scored 390.21 and Bex scored 388.17). Meredith also made the New Zealand Women's team, scoring an impressive 297 (this shoot uses UK marking rules, which don't count inners).
Open Championships
The first Open Champs of the season kicks off on Saturday April 9 in Colyton. Open Championships are a great way to get experience in competition shooting and meet the wider shooting community. Open Championships are listed on the BSRC calendar  These individual competitions are held most weekends at ranges around the North Island. They are open to TSNZ affiliated members who are shooting in the sling and jacket. If you are using club equipment and would like to attend one, ask around the licenced members of the club to see if anyone is going who could transport your gear for you.
Please note upcoming events:
  • Sunday 3 April: BSRC club competition commences
  • Tuesday 5 April, 7.15pm: Venturers social shoot
  • Saturday 9 April: Colyton Open Champs
  • Saturday 16 April: Bulls Open Champs
  • Sunday 17 April: membership form and fees due
Club shooting
It was good to have a couple of visitors back again after a quiet night last week. Ben shot two 88.1 cards while Jessica improved on her shooting from two weeks ago to score 74.0.
There was some excellent shooting in all grades this Sunday. Three of our C graders shot 97s: Kate Yu (97.6), Finn Ashby (97.4) and Analin Rudd (97.3). In B grade Mark Riley was in fine form, shooting 97.5 then 97.3 and finishing with 98.6. Competition for top 10-shot of the night couldn't have been any closer. Evan Little's 99.7 came out on top (by count-back!) ahead of Bex Baines' 99.7 and Megan Brodie's 99.6. Megan followed this up with a phenomenal 20-shot card of 200.12.
Membership Fees
The WSRA AGM was held on Friday night and the members' affiliation fee was set at $60. With this decided, the Brooklyn membership fees for the year are finalised.  An email has been sent to all members with the fees explained and membership form. Fees should be paid to the BSRC account and forms emailed to Meredith no later than 17 April
Teams of Ten - postponed
All members will have received an email on 12 March about the Teams of Ten competition, which was to have been held in early May.  TSNZ has postponed this competition until 27 August.  The WSRA selectors (our very own Mark and Bex Baines) will be in touch closer to the time about selection of the two teams.
Good luck to Bex and Meredith at the long-awaited North v South match this weekend.
Please note upcoming events:
  • Sunday 27 March: North vs South Island matches
    • Open team: Meredith Ackrill, Bex Baines
    • Women's team: Meredith Ackrill (Captain), Bex Baines
  • Sunday 27 March:
    • 6.30pm, Introduction Programme for new shooters
    • 6.45pm, Club practice session
  • Sunday 3 April: BSRC club competition commences
Club Shooting
This week, Analin Rudd led C Grade (and the 10-shots overall!) with another impressive score of 98.5 followed by Finn Ashby's 96.3. Mark Riley and Clive Brodie both shot 96s to score top of B Grade, with Mark coming in an inner ahead (96.3 and 96.2 respectively). Meredith Ackrill was top shot in the higher grades, scoring 98.3. Meredith also set the bar for 20-shot targets, shooting the first 20 at the club this season and scoring 198.12. 
The club's 108th Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday. 
The committee for 2022 were elected as follows:
  • David Grain (President)
  • Mark Robinson (Vice President)
  • Inge Little (Club Captain)
  • Peter McCarthy (Secretary)
  • Erin Little (Treasurer)
  • Meredith Ackrill
  • Craig Fair
  • Evan Little
  • Stephen Thessman
Please note upcoming events:
  • Friday 18 March, 7.30pm, WSRA AGM, Royal Tiger Range
  • Saturday 19 March, 9am-4:30pm, Club shooters Course for D,C,B Grade members, Royal Tiger Range - postponed due to lack of registrations
  • Sunday 20 March:
    • 6.30pm, Introduction Programme for new shooters
    • 6.45pm, Club practice session
  • Sunday 27 March: North vs South Island matches
    • Open team: Meredith Ackrill, Bex Baines
    • Women's team: Meredith Ackrill (Captain), Bex Baines
  • Sunday 27 March:
    • 6.30pm, Introduction Programme for new shooters
    • 6.45pm, Club practice session
Club Shooting
The first club night of the year was held on Sunday and it was great to catch up with everyone after the summer. The night began with the Introductory Programme for our new shooters. This season's cohort is smaller than usual, likely because of the uncertainty caused by Covid. With past experience, Jonathan scored an impressive 89.3, while first time shooter Jessica shot a creditable 71.0.
Several of our members used the night for gear checks and practicing grouping - a great idea as some had changed their sights for the outdoor season and others had taken a break over the summer. There was some excellent shooting from those who did whole cards. Standout scores were Analin Rudd's 98.4, Megan Brodie's 99.4 and 99.5, Mark Riley's 97.4, Bex Baines' 98.4 and Evan Little's 98.6.
Club AGM
All members are encouraged to participate in our Club AGM on Sunday at 8pm.  Please consider contributing to the Committee.  
Please note upcoming events:
  • Sunday 13 March:
    • 6.30pm, Introduction Programme for new shooters
    • 6.45pm, Club practice session
  • Sunday 13 March, 8.00pm, BSRC AGM, Royal Tiger Range
  • Friday 18 March, 7.30pm, WSRA AGM, Royal Tiger Range
  • Saturday 19 March, 9am-4:30pm, Club shooters Course for D,C,B Grade members, Royal Tiger Range
  • Sunday 20 March:
    • 6.30pm, Introduction Programme for new shooters
    • 6.45pm, Club practice session