The 2020 indoor shooting season begins on Sunday 1 March. It’s really encouraging to hear so many are coming back for another year, but please do let me know if you are NOT returning to shooting.  This is particularly important if you are using club equipment, but also important to enable the scoreboard to be right for the start of the club competition.

We are hosting a social shoot for the 1st Karori Venturer group on Wednesday 26 February at 7.30pm.  This is a large group and we still require a few more helpers.  Set-up time is 7.15pm.  Please let me know urgently if you are able to assist.  Thanks to the many members who responded extremely quickly to last night’s email regarding this event.

Hard copies of the 2020 TSNZ membership form will be available at the club.  Please complete the form, but don’t make payment online as the club collates all forms and fees and makes one bulk payment to TSNZ.

The four-week introduction to shooting programme will be held on the first four Sundays in March (1, 8, 15, 22) at 6.30pm.  This is also a good opportunity for current members to get in some practice.

The committee have looked at various options to make it easier for members to complete the club competition, with the following result:

  • full club competition shot within grading season, starting 5 April and finishing 27 September
  • four series of five weeks, with the series commencing on 5 April, 24 May, 12 July and 30 August
  • two weeks between series to enable dedicated training.

There will be a focus again this season on self-analysis with on-range coaching offered for the first two squads only each evening after the completion of the introduction programme.  Shooters are encouraged to ask coaches questions off-range before, between and after their squads with a view to gaining a better understanding of how to score a good shot.  Coaching material is also available on the coaching noticeboard.  This season we would like to stop for 10 minutes between Squads 2 and 3 from 29 March onwards to have a chat about upcoming events and to offer coaching tips.

It was great to see members using club rifles last season take responsibility for keeping these in good condition by wiping with an oily rag before leaving each evening.  Please continue to do so this season.

Upcoming events:

  • Wednesday 26 February, 7.15pm set up, social shoot.  Assistance required.
  • Sundays from 1 to 22 March, 6.30pm, introduction programme.
  • Sundays from 1 to 29 March, 7.30pm, club practice session for 2020 members.
  • Friday 13 March, 7.30pm, WSRA AGM.
  • Sunday 5 April, club competition commences.

The 2020 indoor shooting season begins on Sunday 1 March.

Please let me know if you are NOT returning to shooting this year.  This is particularly important if you are using club equipment so that we can determine the size of this year’s new shooter intake.  But also important to enable the scoreboard to be right for the start of the club competition.

The four-week introduction to shooting programme will be held over four squads at 6.30pm on the first four Sundays in March (1, 8, 15, 22).  There will be numerous tasks to do (meet and greet, entry money and forms, squadding, safety talk, ammo filling, target preparation and changing, coaching, range officering, marking, checking marking, talking with shooters and parents, collation of targets and forms).  We need as many people as possible to help run this programme, so please come along and assist.

Practice sessions will be available for current members from 7.30pm throughout March, with the club competition commencing on 5 April.  The committee have looked at various options to make it easier for members to complete the club competition, with the following result:

  • full club competition shot within grading season, starting 5 April and finishing 27 September
  • four series of five weeks, with the series commencing on 5 April, 24 May, 12 July and 30 August
  • two weeks between series to enable dedicated training.

Before the season starts, the range requires a preseason clean up, both inside and outside the building.  A working bee is being held on Saturday 15 February, from 9am to 5pm.  YOUR HELP IS NEEDED ­– you don’t need to be there the whole day, just a few hours would be great.  Tasks involve gardening, clearing out extractor fans, cleaning up behind mounds, replacing draught stops, washing down walls, etc.  The more helpers, the quicker the work will be completed.  Please take along any cleaning or gardening equipment or tools that would assist.  If you are unsure, please contact Alun Rei, Working Bee Coordinator, 021 745 066.  Light refreshments will be provided.

Upcoming events:

  • Saturday 15 February, 9am–5pm, working bee.  Your help is needed for a few hours during the day.  Please bring cleaning or gardening equipment, or tools that would assist.
  • Sundays from 1 to 22 March, 6.30pm, introduction programme.  Assistance required from 6pm each Sunday.
  • Sundays from 1 to 29 March, 7.30pm, club practice session for 2020 members.
  • Friday 13 March, 7.30pm, WSRA AGM.
  • Sunday 5 April, club competition commences.